Free for Weekly Dispatches subscribers

The manual

Do you love the idea of the Weird Shit Investing conference but won’t be able to participate?

Fear not, the conference will make a valuable contribution to the investing public each year.

The manual
The manual

Free for Weekly Dispatches subscribers

The manual

Do you love the idea of the Weird Shit Investing conference but won’t be able to participate?

Fear not, the conference will make a valuable contribution to the investing public each year.

What’s in the manual?

Out of each annual event, we will create a free manual that includes:

A one-page summary of each investment presented at the conference
A section on "What can investors learn from this case?"
Potentially some ancillary, useful content

There won’t be any video recordings of the presentations held at the Weird Shit Investing conference – which makes the manual the official record of the event.

Get your copy

We will distribute the manual for free to all subscribers of the Weekly Dispatches.

If you haven’t subscribed yet, please do so to ensure you receive a copy as well!